Download Youtube VEVO videos
Regular Youtube visitors might have noticed the Vevo logo that is now being displayed on many Youtube music videos. Try a search for Lady ...
Regular Youtube visitors might have noticed the Vevo logo that is now being displayed on many Youtube music videos. Try a search for Lady Gaga or any of the other popular artists that top the Youtube music video list to see the logo in action. This is part of a deal between Google and several major record labels to promote Vevo which is a music platform run by those record labels.
The differences become apparent right away. Vevo is not available in all countries. Most music videos were viewable by all users at Youtube but Vevo locks out everyone who is not coming from the United States. This is currently not such a big problem as all music videos are still available at Youtube.
Another annoyance is that Vevo seems to display additional advertisement. Vevo visitors get a few additional services like lyrics or artist profiles that are not offered by Youtube. This situation is not that problematic for as long as the music videos are offered at Youtube directly as well. It could however become a issue if a long term goal of the deal is to move all official music videos to Vevo.
Some users reported that the Vevo videos on Youtube load slowly (if at all) and cannot be downloaded. Good news is that it is still possible to download Vevo videos at Youtube if the right tools are available.
The easiest way to download Vevo videos is by using the Firefox extension Download Helper which works just fine for this purpose.
Download Helper will indicate downloadable contents in the Firefox status bar. A click on the icon displays the list of all videos that have been found. Those can then be downloaded to the local computer system.
We were not able to test Download Helper at the Vevo website as it is currently blocked in our country. It would be nice if a visitor from the United States could check and see if Download Helper works at the Vevo website as well.
Note:- Vevo videos use protected streaming (opposed to standard Youtube videos that download to the temp folder). It is therefor as of now not possible to download Vevo music videos with the usual tools.
There is a simple webpage offers youtube/vevo search and helps to download them to your computer. Please click here.
Alternative Way using Real Player..
The Realplayer is not held in very high regards by most users who have happened to come in contact with the player. This might change however with the discovery that the free version of RealPlayer SP is capable of downloading Vevo videos from Youtube (and maybe even Vevo itself but this has not been tried by the author of this article because of country filters).
Realplayer offers another benefit besides being the only viable solution to download Vevo videos from Youtube at this point: It is available for Windows, Linux and Macintosh which means that most users who want to download videos from Vevo can use Realplayer to do so.
Realplayer SP can be downloaded for free at the RealPlayer website. The website will redirect the user automatically to a country specific website upon connection from where a localized version of Realplayer can be downloaded.
Realplayer can only be installed if the user enters a username and password during the installation. The option to display a download this video button next to videos is provided in the options during installation. This will display the button next to videos at Youtube so that these videos can be downloaded.
How to download Vevo videos with Realplayer SP:
Click on File in the menu bar after launching RealPlayer SP. Select New > New Web Browser from the menu. You can alternatively launch one of the supported external web browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox or Google Chrome).
Open the Youtube website and start looking for videos. A search for popular artists like Lady Gaga will display lots of videos that are now powered by Vevo.
Move the mouse cursor in the video once the video starts playing to display the Download this video button. This will open the RealPlayer downloader which will instantly start to download the Vevo video.
RealPlayer SP is currently the only free program that is available for Linux, Windows and Macintosh computer systems that can download Vevo videos. It is therefor a recommended program for users who want to download Vevo videos. It might even work with other videos that use the same form of protection like Vevo.
Other ways just to download the Youtube videos
Many Internet users want to download Youtube videos. Downloading the videos can be beneficial in several ways including the option to play the video at any time without having to access the Youtube website on the Internet. It can also save bandwidth and be used to transfer the Youtube videos to devices like cell phones, media players or gaming systems that are usually not connected to the Internet or that do not offer the speed needed to enjoy the videos.
There are basically three ways of downloading Youtube videos: Using a web service, a web browser add-on or a standalone software program. All methods have their distinct advantages and disadvantages. Web services for example are usually independent of operating systems and can be used instantly without having to install software.They do usually lack the ability to download multiple Youtube videos at once.
Web browser plugins require installation. They have the advantage that they work directly on the site which is very comfortable for the user. They also usually do not provide the means to add multiple videos at once to a download queue.
Software programs to download Youtube videos usually come with the option to add multiple video links to the queue before starting the download. They do need to be installed on the other hand and lack a solid Youtube browser sometimes.
Online services to download Youtube videos:
Web services are websites that provide the means to download Youtube videos to a local computer system. Some offer advanced features like converting the video to another format. The list has been limited to ten free services that provide options to download Youtube videos.
You can download converted youtube videos from the following web pages..
Web Browser Add-ons to download Youtube videos
The following list contains ten web browser add-ons and plugins for popular web browsers such asMozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer that allow users to directly download videos from video portals like Youtube. These add-ons have the advantage that the videos can be downloaded directly without having to visit another website to do so.
1. Video Download Helper (Firefox): One of the most popular Firefox add-ons. It supports many different video portals including Youtube. The add-on will change its icon in the status bar whenever a website with media links is visited.
2. NetVideoHunter (Firefox):
NetVideoHunter: Will recognize Youtube videos and add them to its queue with the possibility to download the videos immediately or at a later time. Videos can also be played in the interface as well.
3. Viloader (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera): A plugin that installs itself in three different web browsers. It offers a download video right-click context menu option that can be used to download the videos from Youtube and other video portals.
4. IE7Pro: IE7Pro supports Internet Explorer 8 as well despite its name. It comes with a userscript engine and a script pre-installed that can download Youtube videos. The browser plugin will display a download video link in the video description on Youtube.
5. Flash Video Downloader (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera): Flash Video Downloader operates a web service to download videos and an add-on that can be installed in Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera. The Opera is one of the few Youtube video download widgets that currently work with Opera 10.
6. Google Chrome Bookmarklet: Users can use a bookmarklet to download videos in the Google browser. All they need to do is to create a new bookmark in the web browser and add the following JavaScript code as the url:
javascript:window.location.href = '' + swfArgs['video_id']+ "&fmt=18" + "&l=" + swfArgs['l'] + "&sk=" + swfArgs['sk'] + '&fmt_map' + swfArgs['fmt_map'] + '&t=' + swfArgs['t'];
A click on the bookmark on any Youtube video page will download that video in the Google Chrome web browser.
Software Programs to download Youtube videos
The following list contains software programs for all popular operating systems that allow a user to download videos from Youtube.
1. TubeQueue (Windows):
TubeQueue: A program for the Windows operating system that can queue, convert and download multiple Youtube videos. The program comes with its own search interface making it completely independent from the Youtube website.
2. Free FLV Converter (Windows):
Free FLV Converter: A software program that can search for, download and convert Youtube videos and videos from other web services. It’s biggest strength is the search that can easily handle thousands of results providing comfortable options to download multiple videos at once from Youtube.
3. Orbit Downloader (Windows) : Orbit is a very popular download manager that supports a variety of popular media sites out of the box including Youtube, MySpace or Pandora. It integrates with web browsers and comes with the Grab++ module that can be used to catch and download media files.
4. Youtube-DL (Linux, Windows): A command line program to download videos from Youtube
5. Abby and CCLive (Linux): Abby is a frontend for CCLive that can be used to download videos from various popular video hosting websites including Youtube.
6. GetTube (Mac): An application for Apple Mac computers that can be used to download Youtube videos.