Paul -The Octopus Predicts World Cup Winners

Paul the 'Oracle Octopus' was at first a cool German gimmick who picked World Cup 2010 games by plucking a mussel from glass boxes that are marked with a nation's flag. Now that Germany has beaten Argentina to put Paul's record at World Cup picking at 5-0? That Octopus is scaring me, dude.

Paul the octopus oracle in Germany has done it again -- correctly predicting that Germany would beat Argentina in their quarter-final clash at the weekend. That makes his prediction record in the World Cup perfect.

Video following the jump.

First, he tipped Germany to beat Australia, and then followed it up by correctly predicting Serbia's upset victory over Germany. Paul then went on to call a German win against Ghana and made waves across the English Channel when he foresaw Germany taking down England.

The Octopus may be psychic but it's probably not that intelligent. If he were smart he'd have backed up his claims with thousand-clam soccer bets that would provide he and his family security for generations. When humans are granted psychic powers, we know how to parlay our abilities into millions. Just look at Miss Cleo.
By the way, when that octopus is done with the World Cup can I borrow him for a few days? I would like to exploit him with the stock market. We can split the earnings, Paul.

Tags:decision predicting octopus,FIFA 2010 decision predicter,Paul the octopus,watch video online,Download ,Paul -The Octopus Predicts World Cup Winners,who will be the winner of FIFA world cup 2010 according to octopus,IS true,real,Coincidence, Octopus Prediction Videos Watch Online,octopus the decision maker of FIFA semifinal match,Paul The octopus,World Cup psychic octopus is undefeated; seriously weirding us all out

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