Facebook Dislike Button Virus: It’s Fake! Don’t Click!
Now here’s a tempt—a lot of Facebook users crave for a Dislike button and there’s actually one already! But we should know better, becau...
Now here’s a tempt—a lot of Facebook users crave for a Dislike button and there’s actually one already! But we should know better, because it’s all just a scam, a virus that intends to get a claim of your personal information.
We do not want to burst your bubble, but to clear things up, there is no such thing as an “official Facebook dislike button”—well, yet, but bottom line is, it is non-existent for now. You might have seen links in the news feed and your friends’ profiles with the quote message “I just got the Dislike button, so now I can dislike all of your dumb posts lol!!” or “Get the official DISLIKE button now,” but these are all just a fake, so read: DO NOT CLICK IT!
But if you just happened to be so excited about the dislike button (and we cannot blame you on that), and clicked on the link, you should have been directed to an install page of the Dislike button. In the first place, if it’s an authentic Dislike button, you would not need to install it because the Facebook developers themselves would install it directly to the site, right? That being said, it should place a hint that there’s something wrong with it. In the install page, if you follow the instructions you will be then asked to install the program and you will be asked to answer a “survey” which many scams nowadays use.
Cleverly enough, the virus disguised as an app directs you to a Firefox browser add-on, the FaceMod that develops a dislike button for Facebook—just to clear things up, FaceMod is not believed to be conspiring with the culprits who has formulated the scam. Though it is still not verified if the add-on is dangerous or not, bottom line is, it is not officially from Facebook.
For your personal safety, do not just click anything you see in Facebook or even on other websites. Do not just fill up surveys that intend to get your personal information, unless you know very well to whom you are giving it to and if you have valid reasons to do so. In case you’ve already fallen in the trap, or in case the message or link has been posted involuntarily in your profile’s wall, remove it at once so that none of your friends would be victimized. You could also try warning them about it—Now.
Nothing Else to Do..