Unusual and Creative “Drew House” is solar powered

The drew house is an awesome place which everybody will wish to go, but this is a special retreat for the Australian photographic artist, Ma...

The drew house is an awesome place which everybody will wish to go, but this is a special retreat for the Australian photographic artist, Marian Drew, and her family. This awesome drew house designed by Australian designer Simon Laws of Anthill Constructions. In their youths the family took camping trips to the area near Seventeen Seventy, a town just south of Gladstone and the most northerly surf break on the east Australian coast at the start of the Great Barrier Reef.

Natural oiled Australian hardwood timbers and other simple materials combine with the dynamic environment for the maximum enjoyment of the wonderful bushland setting and mild sub-tropical climate. Rainwater tanks, solar hot water and electrical panels, an energy efficient passive design and a community water recycling system, for everything but drinking and bathing, make the house largely self sufficient. [Article by Ghulam]


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