Prominence Commuting Device is a Single-Seater Electric Vehicle
The Prominence Commuting Device [P.C.D.] is a proposed ultra-compact, attractive and sustainable mobility that is a single-seater battery-...
The Prominence Commuting Device [P.C.D.] is a proposed ultra-compact, attractive and sustainable mobility that is a single-seater battery-powered electric vehicle. Its design has innovative features, such as recumbent trike base chassis, glider like front hinge canopy and the body made of GFRP that pursues aerodynamic performance. While having the weight of 127kg, it can go maximum speed of 75km/h, and the driving range is up to 90km. Power consumption of the P.C.D. is less than 1 / 10 of that of an electric vehicles on the market. As a result, the rate of greenhouse gas emissions is less than a passenger railway vehicle in Japan. The P.C.D. is made of off-the-shelf parts available on the general market.