Futuristic Clothing Printer for 2050
Wellcome to the future! this is 2050 cloth printer designed by Joshua Harris . In 2050, 75% of the population will be living in the city. M...
Wellcome to the future! this is 2050 cloth printer designed by Joshua Harris. In 2050, 75% of the population will be living in the city. Most of us will be having only a small space to live and we will have to organize it properly. The design would eliminate the need for closets, washing machines and dryers and save space. An online marketplace takes the place of brick and mortar stores. Fashion designers can sell cartridges of material and then sell their designs digitally for the user to print. Later, clothing can be loaded back into the unit where it is broken down into thread and cleaned. It is easier to clean a single line of thread with steam cleaning or ionic technology than it is to clean a whole textile. The thread is returned to its cartridge for future use. Since the technology for a clothing printer exists already, this version simply re purposes the machinery into a user friendly, consumer good. This design is an Electrolux Design Competition 2010 semifinalist