'Bat To The Bone' Tool Collection
These are three types of bone collections created by BTTB (Bat to the Bones). Collection includes Chef's Bone, Bone bar and bat to the...
These are three types of bone collections created by BTTB (Bat to the Bones). Collection includes Chef's Bone, Bone bar and bat to the bone. All three collection made with poly urethane except the knife which needed stainless steel. Designer said "Sometimes a combination is so darn perfect, it appears to be an easy task to convince somebody of our commitment to design and producing quality work. If we were asked to boil down our work to its fundamental components we will probably go for this: "Revel in the craft that's gone into it. Be it handmade digitalism or just simple things in life that make us inordinately happy".
Chef's Bone
Bat to the Bone
Bone Bar
Source: beautifullife