Fuel - Key Ring Sized Re-Chargeable Phone Charger
'Fuel' is a key ring sized emergency phone charger designed by Adam and Alex for Devotec Industries . 'Devotec Fuel Micro Charg...
'Fuel' is a key ring sized emergency phone charger designed by Adam and Alex for Devotec Industries. 'Devotec Fuel Micro Charger' can be fully rechargeable and it can power up your cell phone for extra talk time whenever you need. This world's smallest emergency phone charger is absolutely tiny- just 1.3 by 0.9 by half an inch and it has a 220 milliAmp hour battery which is designed to give you around 20-30 minutes extra talk time, or up to a few hours more standby, depending on how you use your cell phone. Charge up 'Fuel Micro Charger' and just put it in your pocket, on your key chain or in your car and forget about it. It supports almost all devices has micro-USB charger. Currently seeks funding at Kickstarter.