Tilt 20 - Water Cooler Design

We often make use of urns for the storage and serving of drinks such as tea, coffee, and juice. As the contained liquid runs low, people t...

We often make use of urns for the storage and serving of drinks such as tea, coffee, and juice. As the contained liquid runs low, people typically tilt the urn forward to pour out the last drops. This is neither easy nor convenient. Tilt 20 urn incorporates a chamfer that allows the dispenser to stand at an angle or vertically. When the dispenser is full, its centre of gravity will allow it to stand vertically with stability. As the volume of liquid becomes smaller, the dispenser can be titled by twenty degrees to rest on the chamfered section of its base. The remaining liquid will thus pool around the tap outlet. While Tilt 20 reduces wastage, it also makes cleaning the dispenser much easier. Tilt 20 is a 2012 red dot award: design concept winning entry.

       [Via: yankodesign, Designers: Hsieh Hung-Chung & Lin Kai-Ting]


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