Bandit9 Atlas Motorcycle
Bandit9 has just given the finishing touch to their all new Bandit9 Atlas Motorcycle, after succeeding with 'Hephaestus' and the ...
Bandit9 has just given the finishing touch to their all new Bandit9 Atlas Motorcycle, after succeeding with 'Hephaestus' and the 'Nero' Motorcycles. It is visually bold and masculine, but there’s a sense of balanced elegance to it that eschews 'rough and rugged' for something more refined. This powerful and very capable Bandit9 Atlas motorcycle is built on a Yamaha XVS400 frame. The final build features a rebuilt engine and transmission, with customized components from the handlebars all the way back to the tail light. In essence, what Daryl Villanueva and the crew at Bandit9 have done is to build a Lamborghini from a Honda–and all it took was a bit of inspiration and a lot of careful craftsmanship.
[Via: thecoolist]