Bodice Rocker Relaxing Chair

The Bodice Rocker is a unique object that offers a number of fresh perspectives designed by Splinterworks . Poised vertically it takes on ...

The Bodice Rocker is a unique object that offers a number of fresh perspectives designed by Splinterworks. Poised vertically it takes on an anthropomorphic sculptural form; while some viewers may perceive a bust, or derrière, others might see an arched foot among the suggestive curvaceous forms. With a light touch, it gently rocks back and pauses in mid-air, as if weightless, inciting a double-take by seeming to defy the pull of gravity. In this position it reveals the more familiar profile of a chaise longue, albeit levitating! With a second nudge it draws to the ground where you can sit and stretch out comfortably on soft padded leather.


CHAIRS 4229128042709318004

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