wobL - iPhone Stand
wobL is a one-of-a-kind phone stand and app that work together to turn your smartphone into a wobble-to-snooze alarm clock designed by Thi...
wobL is a one-of-a-kind phone stand and app that work together to turn your smartphone into a wobble-to-snooze alarm clock designed by Third Prime Studio and seeks funding at Crowdsupply. Born from our frustration with trying to activate the snooze feature on smartphones, the wobL allows you to activate your alarm snooze with a simple tap to your phone or stand. The wobL stand has a flexible rubberized design that securely holds all iPhones and iPod Touch products with or without cases at an optimal bedside viewing angle. Its curved bottom and stainless steel counter weight ensures it stays safely on the bedside table during use, while the integrated cord clip keeps power for your iPhone right where you need it at an arm’s reach.