Wine in a Paint Bucket Concept

Packaging also equally important as the quality of the product. When its come to wine, it has to be luxury and creative to attract the con...

Packaging also equally important as the quality of the product. When its come to wine, it has to be luxury and creative to attract the consumers. It’s wine packaged in a paint bucket – a design concept by Lithuania-based ad agency, McCann Vilnius for Beaujolais Nouveau, a batch of new red wines produced annually by the Beaujolais region of France. The premise of the paint bucket design is that wine does more than intoxicate. It also, like paint, colors the lips and teeth of the consumer. The back of the bucket provides a color chart, letting the drinker know how many glasses of wine it might take to “paint” your teeth various shades of purple. 

       [Via - likecoolneatoramafoodiggity]


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