CrossHelmet - The Smart Motorcycle Helmet

CrossHelmet is a next generation smart motorcycle helmet by Japanese company Borderless packed with features like sound control & 360...

CrossHelmet is a next generation smart motorcycle helmet by Japanese company Borderless packed with features like sound control & 360° visibility which makes this helmet the smart helmet first ever made. Launched at Kickstarter for crowd-funding. Price Starts from $1,399 for early birds which indicates the regular price could be around $1,500.
Unlike Motorcycle, Motorcycle helmets have not evolved much for many years. The Cross-Helmet combines integrated head-up display with 360° range of vision, sound management, and Bluetooth features to riders.
There is a camera mounted in the back of the helmet to give you a clear view behind you. There is no need to turn your whole head; simply look up to take a glance. 
With the Bluetooth, you can listen to your favorite music, make calls, take advantage of Group Talk, use digital assistants and control sound canceling features to optimize your riding experience.

Heads-up display which are fold out of the top, giving you a look at all the information you may need. This includes weather details, navigation, stats and more. Not just the voice, it has a ouch panel on the right side, which can be operated with your gloves on.
This helmet is packed with full of tech stuff and that could bother you about the safety and the security of the helmet. They have worked to make the helmet compliant with the standards from every country they ship to. These include DOT, ECE 22.05 and JIS. The battery is also said to be completely risk free, not prone to leaks, smoke, fire or explosions.
[via - androidauthority]


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