Mind blowing photo manipulations by Randy Lewis
American designer Randy Lewis uses Photoshop to create a series of fun and quirky photo manipulations, under the series This and That. ...
American designer Randy Lewis uses Photoshop to create a series of fun and quirky photo manipulations, under the series This and That.
Randy’s works often deal with puns, both literal puns, and visual puns. For example, one of his works titled “Butterfly or butter?” has a butterfly with wings made of butter and another work titled “Jelly Fish or Gold Fish? “ where two goldfish seemingly swimming inside molded gelatin.
Meanwhile, the other manipulations trick the eye. For instance, A sheep with a cauliflower body and a carton of McDonald's fries that are actually yellow crayons. One needs to look through it thoroughly to understand what they really are.
Randy has newly launched his clothing line under the This and That series.You can follow his work on Instagram or if you are a real fan you can even grab a t-shirt.