The Samsung QLED's Ambient mode makes the screen multifuctional
The Samsung gains the spotlight with its latest QLED TV that can blend in with the wall. Sounds unrealistic but Samsung sort of achieved...
The Samsung gains the spotlight with its latest QLED TV that can blend in with the wall. Sounds unrealistic but Samsung sort of achieved it.
The Ambient mode feature in the QLED will transform the TV into a functional screen when not in use. It will display a multitude of information including weather, news and traffics also it could be your music player as well. If none of these options are convincing enough, the Samsung QLED will blend into the wall behind it and completely disappear into your surrounding.
Furthermore, the QLED also integrates Brixby voice interface that lets you search contents across TV and streaming services. Along with major additional picture quality advancement, the QLED Tv is said to hit the market later this month.