creative and coolest shelves
If you would like a modern shelving solution then Cosmo Shelves are the ideal solution. As you can see from the pictures these shelves h...
Everyone enjoys a fun game of tetris with the colorful little blocks that fit into each other and form a line and combination that challenge all those that play. Virtually everyone who has played a computer game has most definitely played tetris, and it provides hours of entertainment for even the most exacting of gamers. The mindless fun that Tetris provides is virtually unparalleled by any other game.
Ok, enough of the whole Tetris talk. Coming back to this post, as the name suggests, it is about a bunch of Tetris shelves that are available at Brave Space Design. The Tetris Furniture are all completely customizable and are essentially made up of five shapes. These are the shapes that are available..
Tangram shelves
As a kid, tangrams were such a delight to me. Hours of my time would be spent on getting those seven pieces to form myriad shapes limited only by the complusions of creativity and time. So when I read that I can have one of those tangram shapes on my walls serving as shelves, I was naturally excited.
A brainchild of the Italian furniture design company, Lago, this floating "Shelf System" allows users to arrange the pieces in a variety of ways ranging from abstract geometric shapes to representations of people and animals. Apart from the designs shown in the pictures above, several other brilliant designs are available at the Lago site.
Via Neatorama.
Nordic shelves by JDS Architects
Full information can be obtained from there own blog
Thinking shelve
Eventhough this is not a real shelve, I really want to mention this because of its desighn idea.
Ever wonder what your furniture was thinking? Well now you can tell its story, kind off. Perhaps your TV stand is dreaming of its favorite romantic comedy and each book on your bookshelf is longing to be the one displayed above. With the comic shelves by Oscar Nunez, you can make a statement about more than just design.
Cubi shelves
These cool Cubi shelves would fit effortlessly into a chic, contemporary scheme. Keep it minimalist with the artful black and white design
Artistic Modular Shelves Design by Maria Yasko
Shelves are important in every home. However, shelves are not advisable for home with limited spaces because in no doubt, it takes some space. However, this will never be a problem anymore because the modular shelving is now here to address this issue. It is extremely beautiful that and will not only let you save on space but will also serve as part of your interior design. Various designs and colors of Maria Yasko’s modular shelves are available, which will surely suite your design and fashion taste. – via
Polar bear shelves make you run for cover
Although a bit expensive, these shelves are probably enough to get your kid out of bed in the morning. Called "domesticated furniture", these shelves can be built pretty easily from cardboard cutouts and fit rather well in your child's room.
these Kenneth speaks of are no longer available, but are wonderful inspiration to do something similar in your nursery.
this cool design I found from Cabincreation
Wooden Cube Shelves
dimvar shelves
Object frames
Its worth reminding this awasom design..
Book Shelves
While we talking about the shelves, I found some cool book shelves from which i cant avoid mentioning..