Eco Bath System by Jang Wooseok
Designer Jang Wooseok invented this Eco bath system. Eco Bath is a dual water-tank designed primarily to recycle water rolling down from a...
Designer Jang Wooseok invented this Eco bath system. Eco Bath is a dual water-tank designed primarily to recycle water rolling down from a washbasin. It is composed of two key parts including a left part having recycled water, while the right part comprises of tap waster. It looks just like a regular water-tank when looked outwardly, except for 2 levers plus a single LED. The LED turns green when the left part is filled withrecycled water so that the user can pull the lever to use the recycled water and flush the toilet. On the other hand, the LED turns red, indicating it is not full yet. Thus the user can pull the lever to make use of tap water for flushing the toilet. [via]