Gizmon iCA: Creative Camera Inspired iphone Case
Looks like we have completely moved to iphone accossories. Recently also we have brought you creative 40 iphone cases . Today we have brough...
Looks like we have completely moved to iphone accossories. Recently also we have brought you creative 40 iphone cases. Today we have brought a creative iphone case idea which is Gizmon iCA. This awesome iphone case will definitely attract many of the youth. This case is actually look like the Classic Leica Camera. Gizmo has White iCA case, Military iCA case, Black iCA case, Brown iCA case, Fish-Eye lens 2 & 0.38X Lens. The case is created from 32 individual polycarbonate components and also includes a correct shutter button for the iPhone, a optical viewfinder plus a mount for more transformation lens on the iPhone’s lens. You can buy these cases by visiting the above given links.