Marshmallows Sofa for a Different Sitting Position Experience
“what shape will naturally invite a person?” and “what shape is comfortable for sitting?” This was the question that Japanese designer Kei ...
“what shape will naturally invite a person?” and “what shape is comfortable for sitting?” This was the question that Japanese designer Kei Harada asked himself upon building this unique 'Marshmallows Sofa'. Harada also wanted the sofa to be looking good, sellable and have an inviting quality. Paper clay was used to build its conceptual design, experimenting with different size, shape, and structure. Cushions are gathered together to provide comfortableness and to experience the different sitting positions. Round-shaped styrofoam balls were attached to wooden frames that function as joints for each pillow and each piece was covered with two types of urethane foam and a stretchable cloth. Children will be more interested to have a sofa like this because this will be a playing paradise for them.