Saddle Lock: The Seat Itself a Bicycle Lock

Stealing a car may be hard but not a bicycle . We always want to keep our bicycle safe and hence carry something to lock it even its a qu...

Stealing a car may be hard but not a bicycle. We always want to keep our bicycle safe and hence carry something to lock it even its a quick stop. Saddle Lock provides a way to quickly lock the rear wheel without the need for additional locking accessories. The seat post swings down around the main frame when a button is pushed. The saddle features a cut-away shape that allows it to sit over the rear wheel. A combination lock allows the release of a special alloy rotating lock that extends from one end of the saddle to the other, securing its connection to the wheel. This is red dot design concept winner.

Source: Yankodesign
Designers: Lee Sang Hwa, Kim Jin Ho & Yeo Min Gu


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